Dialogue Product Information (BINGOOO Upgrade)

As a user of BINGOOO basic, you have the opportunity to upgrade your BINGOOO version to BINGOOO personal, BINGOOO professional or BINGOOO corporate in order to profit from even more useful features. A fee is required for the upgrade.
Please click on the command Upgrade in the menu Help to open the dialogue Product Information. Here you will be given some information about additional functions in BINGOOO personal, BINGOOO professional and BINGOOO corporate. With the button Shop you can reach the Download area of the BINGOOO website where you get to know more about upgrade and fees. With the button Unlock you reach the enter field for the required serial number, in case you have already agreed to the BINGOOO conditions for the upgrade.
As soon as you have entered your personal serial number, the upgrade will be performed.

The dialogue Product Information will automatically appear, if a user of BINGOOO basic clicks on a function which is only available in BINGOOO personal, BINGOOO professional or BINGOOO corporate.

How it works:

1. Please click on the command Upgrade in the menu Help.
2. The dialogue Product Information will be opened. Here, you can see the basic features of BINGOOO personal, BINGOOO professional und BINGOOO corporate. Moreover, you will find buttons for further procedures.
3. Click on the button Shop to open the Download area on the BINGOOO website in the embedded browser. Here you learn about the upgrade conditions and fees.
4. Click on the button Unlock, if you have agreed to the BINGOOO upgrade conditions already and got your personal serial number for the upgrade to BINGOOO professional. Then, the small window Upgrade will be opened.
5. Please enter your serial number in the entry field and verify your entry with OK. The Upgrade version will be installed immediately. Accordingly, the BINGOOO Logo in the right corner of the programme's surface will change from BINGOOO basic to BINGOOO professional.

You can find further information under:

BINGOOO personal
BINGOOO professional
BINGOOO corporate